NCWIT Selects 2023 Collegiate Award Recipients

The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Aspirations in Computing Program (AiC) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Collegiate Award, celebrating 47 undergraduate and graduate women, genderqueer, and non-binary students from 38 academic institutions nationwide. Conferred annually, the award recognizes technical contributions to projects that demonstrate a high level of innovation and potential impact.
The entire NCWIT AiC program platform is supported generously by Apple. AiC also receives support for specific national program elements; the NCWIT Collegiate Award is sponsored by Qualcomm and Amazon.
- Serena Ivery, Birmingham-Southern College;
▶️ Clearing the Cobwebs: Benefits of Identifying Online Human Trafficking - Anika Puri, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT);
▶️ ElSa: A Novel Real-time Wildlife Poacher Detection Solution Leveraging Machine Learning Driven Spatio-temporal Analysis of Nighttime UAV Thermal Infrared Videos - Swapna Throve, University of Virginia;
▶️ Data-Driven Scalable AI for Addressing Problems in the Study of Smart Grids
Honorable Mentions
- Noor Boukari, Dartmouth College;
▶️ Developing a Mobile App for Accessible Malaria Diagnosis Using Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation - Taylor Bradley, Johns Hopkins University;
▶️ Novelty Detection in Network Traffic: Using Survival Analysis for Feature Identification - Angela Busheska, Lafayette College;
▶️ EnRoute - Dominique Calder, George Mason University;
▶️ Building and Decaying a Document Corpus For Sub-Block Forensic Analysis - Portia Cooper, University of Arizona;
▶️ Training Transformer Models to Recognize Hate Speech Masked by Homoglyphs - Katelyn France, University of Minnesota - Duluth;
▶️ "Anaphylactic Shocker!" Creating Novel Medtech Devices and Supporting the Next Generation of Women in STEAM - Maliha Haider, Kean University;
▶️ Comparison of Yelp's Star Rating and Text Reviews - Dana Joseph, Dartmouth College;
▶️ Catalace: Using Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine to Accurately Predict Cancer - Victoria Li, Harvard University;
▶️ CROTON: An Automated and Variant-Aware Deep Learning Framework for Predicting CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing Outcomes - Rachel Masters, Colorado State University;
▶️ Virtual Reality Forest Bathing: Importance of Biomass for Stress Reduction in VR Nature - Eesha Nayak, University of Texas - Austin;
▶️ Nutri: Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) to help primary care providers (PCPs) set personalized nutrition goals with patients - Katherine Skocelas, Michigan State University;
▶️ Understanding the Evolution of Multicellular Organisms
Hena Ahmed Scripps College Towards Reproducible Machine Learning: A Sensitivity Analysis of Pseudo-Randomness in ML Models | Drshika Asher University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign Horizon Worlds: Features and Moderation-specific Affordances |
Kary Cabrera University of Southern California Computer Vision for Business Impact: Identifying Objects and Sorting by Color | Lily Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Automated Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy with Deep Learning |
Alexandra Chin Wellesley College Efficacy of a Misconceiving Robot to Improve Computational Thinking in Collaborative Problem Solving | Shide Dehghani University of California - Berkeley Extract Flora |
Diya Dinesh Carnegie Mellon University A Novel Multi-Model Approach to Real-Time Road Accident Prediction and Driving Behavior Analysis using a Fully-Connected Feed-Forward Deep Neural Network and an Object Detection CoreML Model | Ye-un Christina Go University of Texas - Austin Post-Facto Calibration of the HETE-2 (High Energy Transient Explorer) Satellite Proportional Counter |
Joanna Huang University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign Improving Robot-Aided Care of Physically Impaired Individuals | Rrezarta Krasniqi University of North Texas A Three-Pronged Approach for Detecting Highly Impactful Quality Concerns in Source Code |
Aparna Kumar Columbia University Improving SEACells | Paridhi Latawa Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) EasyComm |
Amanda Liu University of Maryland - College Park Debugging Techniques in Professional Programming | Bryn Loftness University of Vermont The ChAMP System: An Open-Access Tool for Enhancing Knowledge Discovery and Detecting Digital Phenotypes of Early Childhood Mental Health |
Sana Madhavan University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign Processing Mindfulness Meditation: An Exploratory Analysis | Christine Mbagwu University of Maryland Global Campus High Performance Computing in the Cloud |
Lauren McGuirk Grand Valley State University Virtual Motion Therapy (VMT) | Sarah Motteler Rice University Garden Planner |
Jalynn Nicoly Colorado State University Virtual Reality Restorativeness | Marian Obuseh Purdue University Sensor-based Surgical Data Science and Human Factors in Robotic-Assisted Surgeries |
Kim Anh Phung University of Dayton Co-AID: Collaboration of Artificial Intelligent Doctors for X-Ray Image Analysis | Lori Porter University of Louisville Galaxy Evolution with Simulations and Citizen Science |
Tanisha Rajgor Northeastern University Deepfake Detection With Haar-Cascades & GANs | Yarianis Rivera Boston University The Covid Run Game |
Jocelyn Shen Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Modeling Empathic Similarity In Personal Narratives | Priyanka Shrestha Stanford University Developing a Mechanistic Tensor Decomposition (MTD) for Systems Serology Data |
Saumya Suvarna University of Pennsylvania Social Media as an Indicator of Declining Mental Health | Quincy Taylor Brigham Young University - Provo Understanding Hacktivist Groups through Online Media Posts |
Akshaya Venkatesh University of Illinois - Chicago Changing Consumer Behavior - A Mobile App to Minimize Food Waste and Maximize Harvest | Keke Wu University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Designing Accessible Visualizations for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) |
Maya Zeng California State University - Northridge Sustainable Origami | Victoria Zhang Harvard University Characterizing Quantum Processors Using Discrete Time Crystals |