Vivian D.
Vivian, a senior, is an extremely passionate student in computer science. She took Data Structures at Marquette University and interned with her school district's technology department last year. She passed AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A with a 5. She has also taken dual enrollment Python classes at WCTC, and enjoys Java, Python, and HTML/CSS. She co-founded a Girls Who Code chapter at her school to encourage girls to explore computer science and decrease gender disparity in the field, and spoke at the CSforAll National Summit about her experiences in computer science. Outside of that, Vivian is the captain of her school's Academic Decathlon team and the Vice President of Chapter Development of her school's DECA chapter. In the future, she would love to continue working with technology in an interdisciplinary context, such as linguistics or law.

Awards Received
- 2022 WisconsinHonorable Mention
- 2023 WisconsinHonorable Mention
- 2024 WisconsinWinner
- 2025 NationalHonorable Mention
- 2025 WisconsinWinner