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Joanna M.

Joanna has been teaching for the last 25 years in grades K-12 throughout New Hampshire. She is passionate about bringing computer science not only to her students but also sharing her expertise with other educators as well. Ms. Marcotte been involved in the development team for the New Hampshire Computer Science Standards, CS Discoveries Facilitator, CS A Facilitator, and has presented several times at the NH Charter School Best Practice Conference, The Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference., and CSTANE. She holds a B.A. in Education & American Political History from New England College. Realizing her passion for technology use in the classroom Ms. Marcotte pursued an M.Ed in Educational Technology with a dual certificate in Technology Integration & School Technology Coordination from Boise State University. Ms. Marcotte continues to expand computer science and technology education at The Founders Academy for her students through professional development and the addition of new course electives based on student interest. In 2020 Ms. Marcotte was named the NH Tech Alliance Educator of the year. She is a part of the NH Computer Science Teacher Association board maintaining their social media platforms. Ms. Marcotte is passionate about expanding CS education for all learners and providing equitable opportunities for students around CS Education. Ms. Marcotte started a Computer Science Honor Society for her students in the fall of 2019. She is also the advisor of Girls Who Code during her tenure at The Founders Academy Public Charter School. Ms. Marcotte worked at Franklin High School in Franklin, NH where she is built a CS program from the group up for the 2nd time in her teaching career. She now finds herself at Mascoma Valley Regional High School where she is revamping the computer science program, acting as yearbook advisor, creating a Girls Who Code Club and establishing a Computer Science Honor Society. She is currently expanding the program to add Running Start Website Design, Intro to Cyber Security, and Intro to Python for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year. Ms. Marcotte is a state finalist for the PAEMST award and is awaiting a decision on the national award for the 2021 submissions. In 2023 she was named a recipient of the CSTA New England Regional Teaching in Excellence Award.

Awards Received

  • 2019 New HampshireEducator Award Winner
  • 2021 New HampshireEducator Award Honorable Mention
  • 2022 New HampshireEducator Award Honorable Mention
  • 2023 New HampshireEducator Honorable Mention
  • 2025 New HampshireEducator Winner
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