Wisconsin Affiliate

WI Affiliate Aspirations Awardees Photo from April, 2024
Award recipients are recognized during a ceremony and reception in mid-Spring of each year. Each has a photo and bio in our award event booklet. Awardees are selected for their interest and aptitude in IT and computing, strong leadership ability, community involvement, solving problems and career plans demonstrating a desire to grow their technology and professional skills. Possible prizes include scholarships, tech devices, cash rewards, virtual meet-ups with professionals, possible job shadow experiences and summer paid internships, and more!
2024-25 AiC Number of Applications Goals
15% increase in applications (from 211 to 243 (ie +32))
(2023-24) To 211- ie +14
15% increase in completed applications (from 158 to 182 (ie +24))
(2022-23) To 158- ie +3% +5 applications
Reduce the number of incomplete applications from 25% (53/211) to 15% (using our 243 goal, we would have 36 incompletes)
(2023-24) Had 53 incompletes, up to 25% incompletes
2024-25 AiC Schools Expansion goals
Of the 107 schools that didn’t have applications in 2023-24, our goal is to have 15% of those (16) schools submit applications for 2024-25
(2023-24) 18 expecting 15 (achieved 18%)
Of the 59 schools that had applicants for 2023-24, our goal is for 80% (47) of those schools submit applications for 2024-25
(2023-24) 41 expecting 47 (achieved 70%)
Of the 188 teacher endorsers, our goal is for 25% (47) past teacher endorsers to support at least one applicant this year (2024-25)
(2023) 26 expecting 45 (achieved 14%)
2024-25 AiC HS Diversity Goals
At least 15% of all applicants identify as Black (243*0.15=36)
(2023-24) 213 applications 14 Black = 6.6%
At least 15% of all applicants identity as Latinx/Hispanic (36)
(2023-24) 213 applications 19 Latinx/Hispanic = 8.9%
Increase the number of diverse schools from 4 of 59 (6%) to 15%
(2023-24 )4 of 59 = 6%
Increase the number of rural schools from 11 of 59 (19%) to 25% (about 15)
(2023-24) 11 rural schools of 59 = 19%
Increase the number of applications from rural schools to 36 about 15% (243*0.15=36)
(2023-24) 28 out of 213 applications = 13% (new goal for 2024-25)
Measurement Instruments
We we will use application responses to determine the number of Black and LatinX women who have applied
"Diversified Schools" are defined as schools with >50% non-white students based on WI Dept of Public Instruction statistics
Please visit https://ncwit-wi.org to learn more about the Wisconsin Aspirations community.